Семінар кафедри АТОМ
У вівторок 4 липня о 15:05 в Банахівській аудиторії 377 відбудеться семінар кафедри АТОМ, на якому доповідатиме Ірина Кузь-Hartsock (PhD, University of Florida) на тему Learning on Persistence Diagrams.
Abstract: Persistence diagrams are common topological descriptors of data that play an important role in Topological Data Analysis (TDA). In my talk, I will give a short overview of TDA and present the results of two different projects. The first work is about topological and metric properties of persistence diagram spaces. These properties both facilitates and constrains what types of subsequent analysis are possible on persistence diagrams. The second project is on developing methods for approximating continuous functions on the space of persistence diagrams (generalized to Radon measures) as well as their utilization in various learning tasks.
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