Komarnytskyi Scientific Seminar
at Algebra, Topology & Foundation of Mathematics Department of
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Archive for (2020/2021) academic year

S-acts Theory and
Spectral Spaces

September 17, 2020 T.Banakh / Т.Банах
  • Застосування фракталів в біології

    Поговоримо про детерміністичні фрактали, способи їхнього малювання за допомогою гри в хаос, гру в хаос, що керується ДНК-кодом і теж по візуальне розрізнення біологічних видів за допомогою детерміністичних фракталів, згенерованих їх ДНК-кодом.

September 30, 2020 B.Ostash / Б.Осташ
  • У пошуках гомології генів: від попарного вирівнювання до прихованих моделей Маркова

    У ході семінару буде розглянуто традиційні прийоми біоінформатики, які застосовують для виявлення еволюційної спорідненості (гомології) між генами (нуклеотидними послідовностями) та продуктами їхньої експресії (мРНК, білки), а також цілими геномами.

March 24, 2021 O. Gutik
  • On some generalization of the bicyclic monoid

    We define a new semigroup construction 𝓑𝓕ω which generalized the bicyclic minoid and discusse its properties.

March 29, 2021 O. Gutik
  • On the semigroup 𝓑𝓕ω

    We show that 𝓑𝓕ω is an inverse semigroup and describe its idempotents.

March 31, 2021 O. Gutik
  • On the semigroup 𝓑𝓕ω, II

    We describe the Green relations on the semigroup 𝓑𝓕ω.

April 2, 2021 O. Gutik
  • On the semigroup 𝓑𝓕ω, III

    We describe the natural partial order on the semigroup 𝓑𝓕ω.

April 5, 2021 O. Gutik
  • On the semigroup 𝓑𝓕ω, IV

    We give the criteria of simplicity, 0-simplicity, bisimplicity, 0-bisimplicity of the semigroup 𝓑𝓕ω.

April 7, 2021 O. Gutik
  • On the semigroup 𝓑𝓕ω, V

    We give the conditions on the family 𝓕 when
    1. 𝓑𝓕ω has the identity;
    2. 𝓑𝓕ω is isomorphic to the bicyclic semigroup; or
    3. 𝓑𝓕ω is isomorphic to the countable semigroup of matrix units.
April 14, 2021 T. Mokrytskyi
  • The monoid of all order isomorphisms between principal filters of σ(ℕ𝗄)

    Let 𝗄 be any cardinal and 𝓘𝓟𝓕(σ(ℕ𝗄)) be the semigroup of all order isomorphisms between principal filters of the set σ(ℕ𝗄) with the product order. We discuss on the group of units of the semigroup 𝓘𝓟𝓕(σ(ℕ𝗄)).

April 21, 2021 T. Mokrytskyi
  • The monoid of all order isomorphisms between principal filters of σ(ℕ𝗄), II

    Let 𝗄 be any cardinal and 𝓘𝓟𝓕(σ(ℕ𝗄)) be the semigroup of all order isomorphisms between principal filters of the set σ(ℕ𝗄) with the product order. We discuss on the group of units of the semigroup 𝓘𝓟𝓕(σ(ℕ𝗄)).

April 23, 2021 O. Desiateryk
(Kyiv University)
  • The structure of variants of semigroups

    We study the structure of variants (sandwich semigroups) of some Rees matrix semigroups over a group with zero, finite lover semilattices, commutative bands with zero.
    The criterion of the isomorphism of two variants is obtained for Rees matrix semigroups over a trivial group with zero, finite lover semilattices, commutative bands with zero, in particular, for the lattice of partition of a countable set. Also we proved that finite Brandt semigroup is not a variant of any semigroup.
    Automorphism groups of variants of the power set of a finite set and of the lattice of partition are studied.

May 24, 2021 O. Lysetska
  • Semiring identities of the Brandt monoid

    We discussed on the results of the paper M.V. Volkov "Semiring identities of the Brandt monoid" arXiv:2103.06077.

July 14, 2021 T. Banakh
  • Decomposable and product-one sets in finite groups

    A subset $X$ of a group is called decomposable if $X\subseteq XX$ and product-one if there exists a sequence of pairwise distinct elements $x_1,\dots,x_n\in X$ such that $x_1\cdots x_n=1$. We shall discuss a recent result of Lev, Nagy and Pach (2021) who proved that every finite set in an abelian group is product-one. On the other hand, we present an example of a 5-element decomposable set in the Heisenberg group which is not product-one. Also for every finite group $G$ we discuss some lower and upper bound on the largest cardinality $f_1(G)$ of a subset $A\subseteq G$ which is not product-one. We shall prove that $f_1(G)\ge log_2(G)$ for all finite solvable groups, except for the groups $C_2$, $C_3$, $C_3\times C_3$, $D_{10}$, and $(C_3\times C_3):C_2$, which have $f_1(G)$ equal to $1,2,3,3$, and $4$, respectively.

July 21, 2021 T. Банах
  • Сумні та веселі множини у скінченних групах

    Підмножина $A$ групи $G$ називається сумною, якщо існують попарно різні елементи $a_1,\dots,a_n\in A$ cума яких $a_1+\dots+a_n$ дорівнює нулю. Підмножина групи називається веселою, якщо вона не є сумною. Для скінченної групи $G$ через $f_1(G)$ позначаємо найбільшу потужність веселої множини в групі $G$. Є гіпотеза, що $\lfloor \log_2(|G|)\rfloor\le f_1(G)<\sqrt{2|G|}$ для усіх скінченних груп $G$. Ми доведемо нижню оцінку $\log_2(|G|)\le f_1(G)$ для усіх розв'язних скінченних груп, за винятком груп $C_3,C_5,C_3\times C_3,D_{10},(C_3\times C_3):C_2)$, для яких $f_1(G)$ дорівює $1,2,3,3,4$ i є строго меншим за $\log_2(|G|)$.

August 2, 2021 I. Pozdnyakova
  • On the semigroup generating by extended bicyclic semigroup and an $\omega$-closed family

    Similar as in [O. Gutik, and M. Mykhailenych, On some generalization of the bicyclic monoid, Visn. L'viv. Univ., Ser. Mekh.-Mat. (submitted)], we introduce the algebraic extension $\boldsymbol{B}_{\mathbb{Z}}^{\mathcal{F}}$ of the extended bicyclic semigroup for an arbitrary $\omega$-closed family $\mathcal{F}$ subsets of $\omega$. It is proven that $\boldsymbol{B}_{\mathbb{Z}}^{\mathcal{F}}$ is combinatorial inverse semigroup and Green's relations, the natural partial order on $\boldsymbol{B}_{\mathbb{Z}}^{\mathcal{F}}$ and its set of idempotents are described. We gave the criteria of simplicity, $0$-simplicity, bisimplicity, $0$-bisimplicity of the semigroup $\boldsymbol{B}_{\mathbb{Z}}^{\mathcal{F}}$ and when $\boldsymbol{B}_{\mathbb{Z}}^{\mathcal{F}}$ is isomorphic to the extended bicyclic semigroup or the countable semigroup of matrix units. We proved that in the case when the family $\mathcal{F}$ consists of all singletons of $\mathbb{Z}$ and the empty set then the semigroup $\boldsymbol{B}_{\mathbb{Z}}^{\mathcal{F}}$ is isomorphic to the Brandt $\lambda$-extension of the semilattice $(\omega,\min)$.

August 20, 2021 O. Gutik
  • On group congruences on the semigroup $\boldsymbol{B}_{\omega}^{\mathcal{F}}$ and its homomorphic retracts in the case when a family $\mathcal{F}$ consists of inductive non-empty subsets of $\omega$

    We study group congruences on the semigroup $\boldsymbol{B}_{\omega}^{\mathcal{F}}$ and its homomorphic retracts in the case when an $\omega$-closed family $\mathcal{F}$ consists of inductive non-empty subsets of $\omega$. It is proven that a congruence $\mathfrak{C}$ on $\boldsymbol{B}_{\omega}^{\mathcal{F}}$ is a group congruence if and only if its restriction on a subsemigroup of $\boldsymbol{B}_{\omega}^{\mathcal{F}}$, which is isomorphic to the bicyclic semigroup, is not the identity relation. Also, all non-trivail homomorphic retracts of the semigroup $\boldsymbol{B}_{\omega}^{\mathcal{F}}$ are described.

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